Dear Colleagues,
Cities are already facing more frequent and severe extreme weather and climate events in recent decades. The World Bank indicated Taiwan as the place on Earth most vulnerable to natural hazards in 2005; Typhoon Morakot 2009 broke records by unleashing over 2500 millimeters of rainfall in five days in Taiwan, causing destructive landslides. Taipei City has addressed 2016 “Adaptive City—Design in Motion” as a core appeal in hosting World Design Capital that recognizes cities for their ability to effectively use “design and architecture” as a catalyst to drive economic, social, cultural, and environmental development. The shift of focus from vulnerability to adaptation introduced by Taiwan has marked a transformational societal change that seeks to explore and confront the future challenges facing sustainability.
For cities to be sustainable, they must be resilient. This Symposium on Resilient Architectural and Urban Design 2017 (RAUD2017) focuses on a city’s resilient performance through architectural and urban design. Introducing resilience into the architecture and design of new developments is not always straightforward, but in recent years considerable progress has been made despite the uncertainties and complexities of understanding the interacting systems and services. Retrofitting the existing urban fabric to produce resilience appears to be lagging behind and even more complex in many cities. The symposium seeks to synthesize state-of-the-art knowledge on theories and practices of resilient cities worldwide at the building, community, and urban–rural scales in order to better respond to natural and man-made disasters and disturbances, as well as climate change related risks from extreme events, such as heat waves, heavy precipitation, and coastal flooding.
Authors who will present their papers at the symposium will be invited to submit their manuscripts to the Guest Editors for preliminary evaluation. Accepted papers will be then submitted by the authors to the open access journal Sustainability (SCI, SSCI) Special Issue: Resilient Architectural and Urban Design and enter the peer-review process.
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION HERE (Deadline: 2017.05.15) or sending to (Dr. Yi-Chang Chiang)
Symposium Dates: 2017.06.26~27
Symposium Venue: No. 127, Yanping South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
Assistant Prof. Dr. Yi-Chang Chiang
Prof. Dr. Chris Zevenbergen
Dr. Peter van der Keur
Organizing committee